Goal SEtting

In order to create the future we want, we need to plan how we are going to get there. Setting goals you can achieve is a life-long skill which MTW wants to support you in.

STEP #1: Define your goal

Question Zero

A Question Zero (Q0) is the question you ask before all questions. It asks you to get back to basics: What is it that I am trying to accomplish?

Answering your Q0 will help you see the bigger picture, what you're actually working towards.

As you move into the next activity, consider these questions:

  1. What would make your life easier right now?

  2. What would make your life easier in the long-term?

  3. How might MTW help?

STEP #2: break it down

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Bound

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

How do we actually achieve the goals we set for ourselves? We have to make sure they are manageable. A good way to set a manageable goal is to use the S.M.A.R.T. acronym:

  • Is your goal Specific? Does it have clear directions?

  • Is it Measurable? Can you tell how close you are to finishing it?

  • Is it Achievable? Is it within your power to complete it?

  • Is it Realistic? Based on what you know about yourself, can it be done?

  • Is it Time-Bound? Does it have a clear deadline?

STEP #3: track your progress

At MTW, we've created a tool for you to stay on top of your goals each month. It's called a Smart Goal Tracker. It's designed to help you create and break down your Q0 into smaller S.M.A.R.T. Goals. You will be expected to fill it out each month with the help of your YDM.

The document is view only--you will have to make a copy of it so that you can edit it. Once you do, it will be saved automatically to your Google Drive. For a hint on how to do this, see below:

On a Google sheet, click "File," then click "Make a Copy."

STEP #4: Give it a try

Fill out the Goal Setting Module to try your own hand at setting goals for your time at MTW.